4th November
Entry Deadline
2nd December
Shortlists announced
12th January
2nd February
Award ceremony

Business Development Professional of the Year

An award to recognise the best young business development professional in the Greater Manchester region. Demonstrate your ability to provide attributable value to your organisation as well as developing lead generation opportunities and describe how you contribute to developing your organisation and your own profile in the Greater Manchester region. Describe your role, within your organisation and externally, in both servicing client requirements and meeting business needs.

Demonstrate your ability to provide attributable value to your organisation as well as developing lead generation opportunities and how you contribute to developing your organisation and your own profile in the Greater Manchester region. Recognise your role within your organisation and externally to both service client requirements and meet business needs.

Your delivery can be measured financially or by way of a case study for how you have worked with a client or target. Process involved as well as difficulties and internal development can also be highlighted.

The judges are looking for a well rounded individual who is committed to their own personal and professional development, can demonstrate leadership skills, financial contribution to their organisation and commercial awareness.

Applicants should provide evidence in respect of the following where they are applicable (noting that this acts as a guide and answers should not be limited by it):

  • Financial contribution to your firm/company over the last twelve months (1 September 2015 – 16 November 2016), providing details relating to contribution attributable to clients/jobs won by you personally.
  • Involvement in any significant projects during the past 12 months, highlighting your personal involvement and contribution to their success
  • Innovative solutions that you have personally applied to overcome difficult problems
  • How your actions directly impact the client and/or have added value to the client’s experience
  • Given the current challenging market conditions, describe how you as an individual or on behalf of your firm have developed a presence in your area of expertise
  • Details of how are you positioning yourself for the future within your organisation and in your sector
  • Details of attributes that differentiate you from your peer group


For further information on the awards please contact Claire Turnbull on (+44) 0161 817 3482 or e-mail [email protected]